Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Pioneer Trek

Ma and Pa Jackson
Our "Pioneer Family"
So Rex and I embarked on something new this summer. The Pioneer Trek. I wanted to go so badly when I first heard our stake was going and now I am thankful we got to go. It stretched us in unthinkable ways. Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually. We left literally with no home to come back to as we had just sold our home and had not closed on a new one. It seemed like a journey that took weeks instead of days. I know now just a little bit about the sacrifice and hardships of my ancestor's. These devoted people loved God more than I ever knew. I learned there is a well of strength within us that is unknown until we have dig deep. The deeper I dug the more I realized the Lord never leaves us. He gives us what we need when we need it if we are willing to rely on him.

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