Friday, January 14, 2011

Ton Ton Ride

Tyler's favorite thing lately has been giving anyone that wants one a TON-TON RIDE. Which is a piggyback ride with Ty. He has had fun through the holidays asking an cousin smaller than him (which is all of them) if they wanted a ride. Lily was especially good at enjoying her time on Tyler's back zipping around Grandma's front room. Noah is his most frequent rider. Ton Ton comes from the animal in Star Wars that Haun Solo rides to save Luke Skywalker in the snow.


Becca B said...

Love it. Star Wars fan.

Terry and Amber Andrews said...

So I have to tell you, I was at a friends house this week and Lily was asking her friends for a ton ton ride. They saying "we don't know what your saying!" She misses Tyler's ton ton rides.